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Finally got our new portfolio page up, please check it out

Many thanks to my marvelous co-worker Maree, who keeps our portfolio constantly updated. We are proud & passionate about every job posted.

In addition to the updates, she recently finished a mid-summer renovation of the entire page.  Needless to say, I think she did a great job sprucing up the page and showing off our clients better.

To view the portfolio please click on the following link.

Proud of our Clients work for the Alyeska Ski Patrol

Not only do we like to show off our own work. We like to show off our clients too. Especially when they do great work in our little town of Girdwood (AKA Alyeska).

“Greer Tank LLC” made custom fabricated a metal building for the Alyeska Ski Patrol. Which has to stand to up 900 inches of snow per year and a whole winter of crazy Alaskan weather.

I feel proud every time I get off Chair 4 and see it looking over the Turnagain Arm.

Check out all Greer does on their fancy website (proud of that too)

Google SEO – Arctic Circle Landing Page for 1st Alaska Tours

Ralf at 1st Alaska Tours had a long-time goal to get his business to show up on Page #1 of Google for the search phrase “Arctic Circle.”

After consultation with us, Ralf gave the OTC team the green light to make an Arctic Circle landing page to specifically target the phrase.

Within six months, the 1st Alaska Tours Arctic Circle landing page had made it to page #1 of Google results and can still be found there, today.

Below is a summary of all the things we did:

  • Made a landing page specifically to show on Page #1 of Google search for the phrase “Arctic Circle.”
  • Researched the topic and gathered all the relevant information covering the who, what, when & why of the Arctic Circle.
  • Planned the page from top to bottom to be as informative as possible – the aim was to make it as useful as a Wikipedia page.
  • Had fun as we got to put together all the content, including maps, pictures, video, words and Q&A.
  • Made a clean, easy to read, and easy to navigate page that sits on his main website so when visitors click through they are enticed to learn more about Ralf’s business.
  • Implemented a massive linking strategy, organizing links to the page from over 30 reputable, local websites.


Comprehensive Google SEO Optimization – Kodiak Deer Hunts

When the OTC team finished up with the Comprehensive Google SEO work we had done on his website, owner, Capt. Chad said, ‘You did all the work, now we just let it fish’.

After 11 months of ‘fishing’ Capt. Chad’s website had gone from zero to #1 for all targeted keyphrases.

Below is a little summary of all that we did to achieve those results;

  • Extensive Google ‘search’ phrase research.
  • Built a new website from scratch with navigation and pages based directly on the ‘search’ phrase research.
  • Continual analysis of Google Analytics results.
  • 3-4 rounds of tweaks, refining and further work over an 11 month period.
  • Major effort put into improving page loading speeds, shaving seconds off load times which Google values highly.
  • Implemented a strong linking strategy getting several important links from other local and authority websites such as Kodiak Chamber of Commerce, and articles on local tourism websites.
  • Pedantic about ticking off ALL the boxes.
  • Systematically optimized pages using Google’s ‘rules’ for typography and tags.
  • Made targeted landing pages to score each phrase used to back up the Main Homepage in Google.

Then we kept going back to the fire, stoking, building, doing over and finessing until we got the #1 results

Google Essentials

Hi – My name is Kelvin, one of the founders of OTC. I want to explain to you what I believe are the 4 ESSENTIAL things you should tick off when working on your Google SEO.

This is simple stuff that gets you going with a good foundation to start getting into and ahead on competitive Google searches.

Some folk are happy to perform some, most or all of these tasks themselves after consultation with us, however, most prefer to take us up on our Google Essentials Package which includes all of these elements. You can find details here >

1. Getting Links

Local and Industry links into your website are a powerful tool when it comes to establishing your SEO foundations. Links are important because;

  • They tell Google your content is relevant.
  • They tell Google your content is authoritative.
  • They tell Google that people trust what you have to say.

Download PDF Checklist

2. Getting Reviews

Your Google Business/Map Listing needs to be correctly set up and you need to actively generate genuine reviews from customers. This helps because;

  • Google likes to activity on your account.
  • It establishes you as a ‘live’ business.
  • It communicates trust and authority.

Download PDF Checklist

3. Keyphrase Research

This is where we work out what phrases people are searching for that relate to your business.

  • Use the Keyword Planner Tool
  • Use Location Words
  • Use Industry Words

Download PDF Checklist

4. Keyphrase Implementation

Once you have found relevant phrases people are searching for it’s time to add them to your website. Google Bots use a hierarchy when crawling your website so it’s very important to add your phrases in the right way.

  • The Page Title is the most important.
  • Followed by your main (H1) Header on the page.
  • Be careful not to overuse your keyphrase in the remaining content.

Download PDF Checklist

Our Liz is an Actor…

…and we’re just waiting for her to win an Oscar! She not only has the skills to do amazing work for OTC and help our clients with technical solutions, she also has crazy skills on the mountain. Check her out, showing them how it’s done on Alyeska!