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Cruise by Poki Charters’ New Site

and see some incredibly gorgeous photos of Alaska right on your screen. Poki Charters’ new website provides a look into what it’s like to cruise the waters of Prince William Sound, view wildlife and stunning scenery, and dine on fresh Alaskan seafood aboard a small boat cruise.

We are happy their new site portrays the fun and adventure that awaits those lucky enough to take the trip of a lifetime. Send a reservation request directly to Poki Charters from their handy booking page to see all this in person!

Updated Website for Quick Draw

Our friends at Quick Draw Window Cleaning really wanted their website to be more functional and user-friendly. Now it’s easy for visitors to see what they’re about and get some pricing on sparkling clean windows! We enhanced their original branding and made their site mobile-friendly. Click here to check it out!

Exciting New Website

We are thrilled with the final result of this multi-faceted and dazzling website for Greer Tank & Welding, and we know they are, too! A combination of functionality and stunning photographs make this one pop.

A little Google Tune-Up

Just got done helping Sean Smart @ Kenai River Recon tune up his website and internet setup to start doing better on Google.

We cut a lot of the clutter out, increased loading speeds 2-3 times, gave things more room to breathe. Fixed a bunch of errors. Changed wording and concentrated on commonly used Fishing Google search phrases. Submitted site to Google for a look see as well as fixing up Google Maps listings.

Just all the basics to make a site Google friendly. Which really just means make people and phone friendly. Cut the BS and make your website clear, simple and to people solve their problem or desire.

We also did a lot of consulting with Sean to empower him to take on some of the online legwork. Like writing blog posts, Facebook and having a strategy to get review and links to the business.

We’ll now check back in on Sean in a month or 2 and see how things are a going.

Mobile Speed Before
Mobile Speed After

Fast Web Pages Make Fast Friends

Picture of a cheetah

Is your website up to speed?

There are several reasons why page speed is important, and some of it gets downright techy. It really boils down to people just wanting things right away!

People are busy and have short attention spans, so if your web page takes its time loading, eager surfers will surely click away. You don’t want that to happen, and we don’t want that to happen to you.

Aside from a fast-loading web page being appealing to visitors, there are multiple reasons speed benefits your site:

  • visitors spend more time on your site
  • search engines give fast sites better rankings
  • fast sites encourage sales
  • quick loading speed equals more social shares
  • good speed makes a first impression


While content and good writing are essential for a good website, speed is what will keep folks happy and engaged while visiting.

Greer Tank Photo Shoots

Who knew welding and steel could be so beautiful? We sure do after our photo shoots for a site we’re working on for Greer Tank and Welding. We were lucky enough to visit Lakewood, WA, Anchorage and Fairbanks, AK to capture some amazing footage, and we look forward to finding the perfect spots to feature these. Please enjoy a sneak preview, in the meantime.