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About Us

After over 20 years in the game, we know how to look beyond the keyboard. So we can get your website design and google presence as tasty as mama’s best pie recipe.

George the dalmatian, mascot for OTC Web Design & Development Company
George the Dalmatian, our Spirit animal and mascot.

Our Story

OTC Web Design lives in Alaska, but the idea was born on New Zealand vacation when a dog named George helped to inspire our philosophies.

George loved to run, and that’s what he did best. When he was let off the chain, he would run all day and live life to the fullest. George would be at his best with no binding limitations.

What OTC does best is websites. We remove the constraints our clients may feel from dealing with websites and all things Google.

We love to tell your story so you can run free and do what you do best, whatever that may be.

We’re Passionate

OTC is a small, passionate and dedicated team of talented web designers, developers, google masters, word artists, photographers and videographers. Together we make good things happen!

Owner & Google Master


Kelvin is the big boss and master of all things related to websites, google, photoshop and consulting. He is also our resident analogy specialist. He’s owned OTC since 2006 and has been making websites for over 20 years.

Web Designer & Planning Guru


Maree has been with OTC since it’s inception in 2006. As well as being a dab hand at Google, she is a true Wonder Woman when it comes to design, planning, layouts and keeping us on track.

Web Developer & Tech Wizard


Liz joined OTC in 2015. She is an excellent developer & can turn her hand to design when needed. She has a sharp technical mind and one of her key strengths is researching and testing technical solutions for our website builds.

Word Artist


Susan’s artistry with words means that not only does her content read well, she also has the ability to write to a special formula. In particular, she is an expert at writing for google optimizations.

Photo & Video Talent


Thom has 20+ years experience telling stories through film & photos. He’ll take care of planning, setup, doing, editing & finishing. Did we mention he flies drones too? Meaning awesome aerial shots are all part of the package!

Head Wheel Turner


Crista is the person who keeps the wheels turning behind the scenes. Without her, OTC wouldn’t be able to function smoothly. If you have an invoice or billing query, Crista is the lady that will sort things out for you.

Founder & Mascot


George is the spirit of OTC.

When unleashed to run on a trail/road/beach behind a vehicle of any kind ... ... He is in heaven, running for miles, doing what he was meant to do. Totally Off The Chain.

If you give us the opportunity, we'll get your business “Off the Chain” too!