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Schubert General Contractor

Just helped out local Contractor Craig Schubert get all setup for results in Google. Designer Matt Bailey did the art and design work, and we swooped in made the site Google-licious.    Fun job and very straight forward.

Check out the site at

Did the basics,
1. Researched for the correct words to use &  target for Google search results.
2. Setup Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools and Google Business Map listings.
3. Provided some links to Craig’s site from a couple of important local sites.  Hint:  Google finds you by finding your link on popular sites.  The more relevant links you have from local and industry websites, the higher Google will rank you.  Links act like references.
4. Provided Craig with a plan to get some online reviews to bolster his reputation.
5. Made sure the page Title, Sub Title, Main Header and body text, included artfully scattered Google Search words.
6. Set reminders to check up on things 2 weeks
7. Then it was time for bed

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