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Montana Website “Dunrite”

Proud to finish a website for our friends in Montana.

The old website had good information.  But it looked really outdated and didn’t work well on an iPhone.

They were also locked into a really expensive monthly website fee.  So we moved the site to more inexpensive website hosting.

We recycled information from the old website and rebuilt a modern iPhone friendly site.

All inside 60 hours.

Check it out at

Follow up: Yes they are back on Google

Just a follow up to our Dec 21st post about Sound Construction LLC being dropped from Google.  We have now completed the fix and they are indeed back on Google, Success!

Google “Sound Contracting Alaska

There was a culmination of several factors that lead them to be dropped from Google.

We basically

  1. Refreshed the outdated hosting and coding on the website.
  2. Random Googlelicious fixes and changes based on years experience. Many basic/fundamental things that add up and makes the site more palatable to Google.
  3. The site had been hacked a little.  Can we got rid of all that mess
  4. There was an old business at the same address, that was clashing on Google maps.  We got the old business off and then worked with Google to figure out why their Business wasn’t showing.
  5. We connected the site to Google’s analytics asked them to take a new look at the website.
  6. Linked up from to local information website ( and the local newspaper ( This was the huge thing that helped almost instantly.Google very much respects links from the local newspaper.  Imagine it like a reference in real life.   Mr. Gazette tells Mr. Google that he should go take a re-look at a website.  Mr. Google does it because he respects Gazette.  Mr. Google also looks at Mr. Gazette and every single link on his website twice a day.  So it doesn’t take long till things change.  Sound Construction was back on Google within 12 hours of getting links to the 2 websites above.
Fish Western Alaska Recruitment site

Fish Western Alaska

Captain Ben Ley and his Company Lady Elias LLC (formerly Solstice Inc.) approached OTC late November. They wanted a website/social media setup that would help them get new crew members as efficiently as possible.

In the end, we got a website designed and built inside 3 weeks. We also set up their Facebook page, made a custom online job application and helped edit an explanatory video.

Captain Ben was in constant contact with the OTC team, just to make sure we got the information and all the details right.  Needless to say, Ben and his business partners are super stoked with the result.


Fish Western Alaska Recruitment site Fish Western Alaska Recruitment site



Fish Western Alaska Recruitment site

Get me back in Google

Sound construction LLC in Girdwood has been baffled lately about why their website is not showing in Google Search Results.

I mean nowhere, not even for their business name.

So OTC has been hired to see if we can remedy that.

Will let you know our progress.

To start off with we are getting the site linked up from the local paper, and this blog post. Linking from respected websites is all Google needs to list a site sometimes. It is a like reference in real life.

Also, we will register the site with Google Search Console and Analytics.  This is the closest we can get to directly telling Google ” Hey look at me, I am a website and I would like you to take a look at me.  And pretty please can you put me back in your Search results.”

Will let you know how it all goes.  First, we make some changes, then we have to wait a few weeks to see if it worked.

Sound Contracting LLC: General Contractor in Girdwood, Alaska

Sound Contracting LLC: General Contractor in Girdwood, Alaska

Girdwood Nordic Ski Club

The three main reasons people visit the Girdwood Nordic Ski Club website are to find the Trail Report, to become a member of the club or to look for news and events. The old club website was out of date, cluttered and hard to navigate which meant that visitors couldn’t easily find what they were looking for.

We worked with Girdwood Nordic Ski to strip out unnecessary content and reorganize what was left. We then made them a brand new, clean and uncluttered website that does exactly what they need it to. The Groomers can easily upload their reports from the field and website visitors can easily find what they are looking for.

Check their new website out here: