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I think we are turning Japanese, I really think so

OTC is proud to have recently made a website in the powder haven of Niseko, Japan. is a new apartment complex in the booming ski town, getting more and more known for it deep deep snow fall every winter.

Of course it was required to fly to Japan and sample some of that beautiful snow. We were rewarded with over 15 feet of fresh snow in only 3 weeks. More snow than you can imagine (especially after the tough winter in Alaska).

Check out the site at

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Screen Shot 2015-01-17 at 12.23.44 PM Screen Shot 2015-01-17 at 12.23.21 PM overview

How Rude! Please Allow Us to Introduce Ourselves!

Happy New Year, everyone!

We have to get to know you better in order to talk about just how wonderful you are, so shouldn’t you know a little more about us, here at OTC?


Susan’s Super Hero alter ego the “White Queen” chosen by George the boss.

Let me start by introducing myself – My name is Susan, and I write words. More specifically, I write words that are appealing to me, you, and everyone we know. If I don’t make it sound good, no one will want to keep reading, right?

In order to get people interested and keep them interested, I like to think about what is engaging to me, and I think about which words I would use to search for a service or product I am exploring. Therefore, whether they are words on your website pages explaining your business or craft, or they are words in a fun and informational blog, I want them to be as Google-licious as possible. I will write by a formula that highlights your business and brings the most hits to your website.

I have known Kelvin, the big man in charge at OTC, for many years now. I have seen, first-hand, what his talent and creativity can do for our clients’ existing and potential websites. I have been lucky enough to have worked for OTC for several years, and Kelvin is lucky enough to have experienced and talented team members to help him make things happen.

Now that we know each other a little better, allow us to introduce you to your potential clients and followers through smart wording and beautiful web design.

Stay tuned, and get to know the rest of the OTC team a little better!

Susan – Reporter, Google-licious Word Weaver, Social Media and Blog Updater

Hi all, we launched our great new website in the last couple of weeks.

Please check out our amazing video and new site.
