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Alaska Birch Syrup Photo Shoot & Website

In the small, quirky town of Talkeetna, resides an all Alaskan gift shop known for their birch syrup, functional aesthetic art, and tasty treats, such as locally made ice cream! Dulce and Michael East have been harvesting birch syrup in Alaska since 1990, and they now sell it online and in gift shops around Alaska.

Dulce and Michael contacted OTC in 2017, ready to take their self-built, small Yahoo e-commerce store to the next level. We worked with their team to rebuild and reorganize their store. It now offers their customers a clean, simple, and secure online shopping experience while keeping the Easts’ personal and unique feel.

The website makeover included new photos of all the products and of the Taste & Tour giftshop. Our photography department, Bacon & Cheese Productions, organized, staged, and photographed all 57 of their products.

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$$$, Food & Beverage, Google Optimization (SEO), Online-Store, Photo & Video Shoots, Regularly Updated, Retail