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Glacier City Tours Website

Having been the lead guide for Glacier City Snowmobile Tours for a number of years, Justin and his wife Erin jumped at the chance to acquire the business in 2021.

They got straight to work expanding into summer rafting and hiking tours to make Glacier City Tours a year-round business. And also undertook a rebranding exercise to reflect the changes.

Then it was time for a new website to replace the old outdated one they had inherited with the business. Justin knew he wanted to work with us, and got in touch. We got straight to work so the new website would be ready for launch before bookings for their busy winter season opened.

The challenge was including the two different seasonal businesses on the new website in a simple and coherent way. We incorporated logos for both seasons throughout the website and organized the tours into a Winter section and a Summer section. There are very clear links and easy navigation to each section throughout the website, and the lead image is able to be changed over with the start of the new season without diluting the rest of the page.


$$$, Recreation & Tourism, Web Design